Central Space

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Covid-19 & Remote Working Trends


We hope you are all well and coping with the COVID-19 situation. Whilst the current environment is extremely challenging for businesses everywhere, we are all learning to adapt to new ways of working and interacting in a remote workplace environment.

The lack of social interaction everyone takes for granted in the workplace will no doubt take its toll over the coming weeks and months but the investment in home working and the corresponding skills will remain when we return to the workplace.

This may bring benefits to office-based workers in the future with larger employers moving from oversized, dated office accommodation to smaller, more bespoke suites with an emphasis on quality break-out and meeting space with high-level connectivity to enable remote working.  This downsizing trend will also cut costs for these businesses.

Smaller firms will also trend towards higher-quality space with better-shared facilities where they will be sharing the cost with others.

While this trend has become more high profile, it has been rising for the last few years and is now likely to accelerate.  At Central Space, we have been developing our concept of the modern workplace with the Central building and Central Suites at Merchant House.  Central Suites, in particular, will provide business with the next level of connectivity and social working and is targeted for completion by May subject to COVID-19 delays.

The other side of this equation is technology.  At Central Space, we can assist and advise on how to operate securely from a remote environment and even supply you with a turn-key set-up.  Our flagship buildings are all equipped with leased line ultra-high-speed broadband enabling remote working for even the most demanding of sectors and internal networks which offer completely secured and dedicated bandwidth.

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